Category Archives: Featured

Full Beak Ready to Lay Pullets – Fed Non-GMO Feed from Day 1

We Stepped up the Pullet Game in 2020 We still only sell brown egg laying pullets with full beaks, so what’s different about our 2020 pullets? Our birds were fed a non-gmo feed from day 1 of their life. This is a custom growout from Moyer’s Chicks, and they’re only available through one other dealer in […]

Debunking the Fresh Chicken Fallacy

There’s nothing wrong with frozen chicken. There, I said it. Let the lightning strike me down. In recent years, we’ve made the decision to supply all our chicken frozen, and it has been one of the best decisions we made with regard to our current production and distribution model. We realize, however, that many among […]

Farm Profits

This week, I had the fortune of spending time with a group of women farmers for dinner and conversation regarding farm finances organized by PA Women in Agriculture Network. I learn so much from this group of amazing women…not just about farm finances, but about life. One of the topics of conversation during our get […]

Chilling Requirements for Chickens and Turkeys

Properly chilling your poultry is a critical part in ensuring the quality of your product.  Let me say that again just to emphasize how important this concept is…properly chilling your poultry is a critical part of ensuring the quality of your product.  This point really cannot be emphasized enough; however, I will refrain from repeating it […]

No Antibiotics in Badger Chickens

People who buy local farm-raised chicken do so for many reasons. A big reason is that most small farmers raise chickens on antibiotic free feed. There is enough suspicion and caution to be  had regarding the constant feeding of antibiotics to broiler chickens as a growth stimulant and not as a disease treatment. Here is […]

Enjoy Veggies from Walnut Run Farm

Every once in a while we feel compelled to share a good thing. On Tuesday, we received our first box of organic vegetables from Walnut Run Farm in Williamsport: artichokes, zucchini, lettuce heads, cherry tomatoes, basil, parsley, edible pansies and nasturtiums, shell peas, snap peas, and cilantro. Superb. The fresh salad with cherry tomatoes and […]

Are Your Eggs on Grass?

Pastured Eggs

Local, pasture-based egg producers often cite a Mother Earth News study to underscore their superior egg quality when compared to conventionally raised eggs. So, here is that study. Our [Mother Earth News] testing has found that, compared to official U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient data for commercial eggs, eggs from hens raised on pasture […]