Full Beak Ready to Lay Pullets – Fed Non-GMO Feed from Day 1

We Stepped up the Pullet Game in 2020

organic ready to lay pulletsWe still only sell brown egg laying pullets with full beaks, so what’s different about our 2020 pullets?

Our birds were fed a non-gmo feed from day 1 of their life. This is a custom growout from Moyer’s Chicks, and they’re only available through one other dealer in New England and he’s sold out. The feed is formulated by Jeff Mattocks at Fertrell. We wanted a feed that more closely matched the quality feed most of our pasture-raised egg producers.

Flock oversight by Fertrell. Jeff Mattocks and his team monitor the progress of the birds and make feed adjustments, as needed. That way we can try to keep the flock on track with our goals, which is a pullet that can more easily acclimate to pasture living and start producing marketable eggs sooner.

Increased living space during pullet development. Crowded spaces stress the birds and stressed birds have all kinds of negative reactions, including pecking, slower growth, reduced immune system response. By increasing the living space, we’re reducing the stress opportunities while giving more access to feeder space.

We’re targeting a heavier bird at 17 weeks. The feed improvements, Fertrell’s guidance, and more feeder space should all contribute to a pullet that weighs more when she comes to your farm and there should be a consistency in the weight of the flock. The ultimate goal is to send you a pullet that is ready to adapt to a life on pasture, lay eggs sooner, and lay less pullet eggs.

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