By purchasing a share in our chicken club, you guarantee that you will have local, pasture-raised chicken grown for you in six monthly installments starting in May. This is a lot like a vegetable CSA where you buy a share of the weekly harvest at the beginning of the season, only we’re selling chicken. In the chicken club, a share is equal to one chicken; therefore, you buy a set number of shares each month.
Benefits of the chicken club are:
Convenience: Each month we’ll deliver chickens cut, bagged, and frozen to your specifications. We deliver to prearranged drop-off points and have on-farm pickup options. All you have to do is show up at the prearranged day and time, and we’ll have your order waiting for you.
Exceptional Taste and Quality: Our chickens are raised on pasture and eat non-gmo feed supplied from local mills with no antibiotics and growth stimulants. The constant access to pasture, sunshine, and insects produces a flavorful, nutrient-dense meat. To understand the difference between a pasture-raised chicken and a chicken raised in confinement, cook one of each bird without seasonings. The chicken with the flavor is pasture-raised.
Enhanced Nutritional Profile: Pasture-raised chicken has uniquely beneficial nutritional profiles when compared to non-pasture-raised chicken. Most notably, those differences are: Omega 6:3 ratio of 8:1 (confined chicken is 15:1) and elevated levels of vitamins D and E.
Buy and Eat Local: We’re a small operation by any definition, but the money you spend with us is recycled in our community. We buy feed and supplies locally. We shop and eat locally.
Priority Access to other Badger’s Millside Farm products: Prior to each scheduled delivery date, we will email our chicken club members with available products. You’ll have the opportunity to order pork and turkeys and other locally grown food from our friends for delivery with your chicken share.
Price Protection: For people who are ordering ala-carte, we do reserve the right to raise prices as the season progresses. Our chicken club members have price protection for the whole season. In addition, delivery fees for chicken are waived for club members, as long as minimum orders are met at our drop-off locations.