Every once in a while we feel compelled to share a good thing. On Tuesday, we received our first box of organic vegetables from Walnut Run Farm in Williamsport: artichokes, zucchini, lettuce heads, cherry tomatoes, basil, parsley, edible pansies and nasturtiums, shell peas, snap peas, and cilantro.
Superb. The fresh salad with cherry tomatoes and those colorful, edible flowers was a welcome, refreshing taste.
We’ve tried to grow a garden in the past with mixed success. These days, it makes sense for us to concentrate on rabbit, chicken, and processing; we’ll buy our fresh vegetables from the professionals. Know what we mean?
We’d highly recommend signing up for a share in Lara and James’ CSA (community supported agriculture). They have several options available. By participating in a CSA, you buy a weekly share of the farm’s fresh crops. Our Homesteader Chicken Club is an example of a CSA where your shares give you guaranteed chickens each month.
Learn more about Walnut Run Farm’s CSA. And tell ’em the Badgers sent you!
At Badger’s Millside Farm, we’re still accepting 3 month trial shares in our Homesteader Chicken Club. The word on the street this year is that our chickens are awesome. Of course, you can buy ala-carte chicken, too.